Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Looking At Life From A Positive Perspective

Our daughter, Jessica, just posted on her Facebook that she's livid at being stuck home today because Joe has her keys. My challenge to Jessica and to myself is to reframe this seemingly negative occurrence into one that is postitive. For instance, not being on the road today could be preventing Jessica from either causing or simply being involved in an accident. Also, staying home could give her the opportunity to create something new and wonderful in her Liberty League business.

In our Beyond Freedom study course, we learn that our minds cannot entertain a positive and negative thought at the same time. We do have a choice whether to look at things from either perspective. All of us have situtations that we wish were different. Even Jesus Christ prayed that the cup of crucifixion be taken from him. However we know the positive situation that created in that He paid for the price for all of us to know salvation and eternal life. As I write this, Tropical Storm Fay is hanging out over Florida. A good side is that my son-in-law had the day off. A more far reaching positive effect is that all the rain helps alleviate the drought in the southeast and prevent wildfires such have occurred in the past.

On my agenda today is to visit my 86 year-old mother in her assisted living home. I wish she were able to live in her own home. Focusing on what is not is a negative way of viewing the situtation. Some months ago I decided to accept what is and be grateful for today. For instance, right now Mom is participating in a Bible Study at her church. A friend takes her there every Wednesday morning. There are plenty of 86 year-olds who cannot walk or talk. Mom does both quite well. It's doubtful she will remember having attended the study by the time she gets home. But right now she is enjoying her class and her friends are enjoying her being there. Mom smiles, has a positive outlook on life, and her sense of humor makes us all laugh. I pray I have such an impact 32 years from now.

So whatever happens today, you have a choice whether to view it as positive and good or negative and bad. I pray you will be able to see the blessings in every circumstance.

To your life of prosperity,
Sandra Hayes, Summit Advisor
Liberty League International
803-364-3918 office
803-609-7003 cell

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

How Liberty League International Changed Our Lives

Just 2 short years ago we were working long hours for bosses who only cared about themselves. Ed was especially stressed trying to please his corporate office while meeting the needs of his employees. We both knew something had to change soon. We had moved to South Carolina in 2002 and built our dream home on Lake Murray but our lives were more of a nightmare than a dream. We are so grateful that Ed attracted the opportunity offered by Liberty League International by finding a website much like this.

We saw the big picture and got started immediately. The compensation plan is brilliant - it's known as a Himalayan Hybrid and is simple as well as lucrative. No complicated uplines and downlines to think about. The personal development products are timeless as well as priceless. Enough people are already selling and buying "stuff" that takes up space and wreaks havoc on the environment. Our products meet people where they are and assist them into succeeding in ways they never thought were possible.

Financial success is one of the great benefits. Who doesn't want the opportunity to earn a multiple six figure income working 20-25 hours per week from home? We achieve this with 3 great products, the cornerstone of which is the "Beyond Freedom Home Study Course." This 90 day course shows people how to improve relationships, break unwanted habits, and literally improve the world by improving their own world.

Our marketing system is so simple that anyone can cuplicate it and be earning money within hours. We and our fellow associates are so enthusiastic about what we do and how we do it. We see everyday as a new opportunity to rise to a greater level. If any of this sounds interesting to you, contact us. You will see how Liberty League International changed our lives in so many amazing ways. This may just be the answer you're looking for. And if not, what do you have to lose?

To Your Prosperity,
Ed and Sandra Hayes

Monday, February 11, 2008

Prosperity Consciousness

Most people focus on what they don't have or may lose instead of what they do have. This constant awareness of lacking something is known as poverty consciousness. True to the law of attraction, focusing on not having enough simply brings more of the same into one's life. On the other hand, focusing on abundance is known as prosperity consciousness. According to the same law, focusing on having plenty guarantees that more plenty is forthcoming.

I was not aware of this law until I attended my second Liberty Conference in Cancun, Mexico. I was mesmerized as I listened to Michael Losier explain this simple but powerful law. When I talk to people about our home business, the first thing I have to ascertain is whether they have an entrepreneur mindset or an employee mindset. There is nothing wrong with an employee mindset - 97% of people fall into this category. Also, society needs employees to provide goods and services for all of us. Because of their mindset, however, the 3% with the entrepreneurial spirit are a breed apart.

Often, this spirit has been supressed for years because of fear. It takes courage to take a leap of faith and start one's own business with no gurantee of a certain income. Of course, most of us know that corporate America may pay a wage but certainly offers no guarantees for the future. Anyone who has been downsized or laid off can attest to this fact. If this spirit is seeking expression in your life, nurture it! You deserve the best life has to offer. You owe it to yourself and your family to do whatever it takes to manifest your dreams.

I am grateful everyday for having the courage to become an associate with Liberty League International. My life has risen to heights I never dreamed possible. I have the freedom to work when, where, and with whom I choose. Ed and I have traveled to Hawaii, Mexico, and Australia. We have the privelege of assisting others with the same drive and desire that we have to rise to a new level financially and personally.

We would be delighted and honored to show you how amazingly simple our business is. Prosperity consciousness is the key to success.

To Your Prosperity,
Sandra Hayes

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Waking Up In and To Prosperity

Waking up is something I am grateful to do every morning. Usually we think of this act as simply resuming a state consciousness after a period of sleep. I try to recall my dreams to determine if my subconscious mind is telling me something important I need to know. Sometimes I can recall them vividly and other times not at all. It's not something I fret over but I do find it helpful to think about remembered dreams and to ascertain any message therein. Waking up in our home on the lake in Prosperity is usually not much fun in February. However, today is beautiful and warm as was yesterday and this invigorates my mind, body, and spirit.

Of course, there are other forms of awakening. Such is the term we use when we become aware of something we hadn't previously noticed. We all have blessings in our lives that we take for granted until something jars our conscious mind into becoming aware of their presence. I could sit here all day and list the blessings in my life for which I am grateful. It definitely is a good morning exercise to list 5 - 10 things that you are thankful to have in your life today. Don't you pity people who only see what they lack (poverty consciousness) instead of what they already possess (prosperity consciousness)?

The trees outside are bare of leaves as they should be in February but the sun is shining and lake is glistening. Birds are chirping and we know they will soon be building nests. This knowledge prompted Ed to refurbish our many bluebird houses yesterday. Our purple martin houses are also ready for their tenants to return in a month or so. How blessed we are to be able to participate in the lives and habits of creatures other than ourselves. And how blessed we are to have the time and freedom to pursue these pleasures in such a relaxed manner.

Since you are still reading my musings, I want you to know how much I appreciate you. I pray this day that you are being awakened to all the blessings and possibilities in your life, both large and small. Each day is a gift that none of us has earned or deserved. This is why we must be grateful and make the best use of it.

If you are feeling unhappy with some area of your life right now, ask yourself "why?" and what you would like to be different. Do you have as much money as you want to do the things you've long dreamed of doing? Do you have enough time to pursue your hobbies? If the answer to either of these questions is "No", you are in good company. Realize that only you can take action to change your current situation. I am so grateful that I had the courage and faith to take charge of my life situation. Simply living in a place named Prosperity wasn't enough. I had to wake up to what real prosperity in my life looks like.

Since I have unlimited choices, today I choose to give thanks for what I have and take steps to achieve the goals I have set for myself. This is true prosperity consciousness - recognizing that anything at all is possible. Our home business affords us so much time and financial freedom which I want to share with everyone. Everyone isn't ready for this freedom for one reason or another. If you think you'd like to know more about how I got to this place of prosperity awareness, just fill out the form or call me. You owe it to yourself as you wake up to your own prosperity potential.

To Your Prosperity,
Sandra Hayes

Friday, January 18, 2008

Living A Life Of Prosperity

So what have you been up to for the past couple of months? We have made several trips to Florida and one to Quantico, Virginia. Never during our years of working for a boss would these trips have been possible. Two of the trips to Florida were family-related and one was a "Super Saturday" in Miami. We have certainly been living a life of prosperity, wouldn't you say?

The trip to Quantico was meaningful as well. We were privileged to see our soon-to-be son-in-law receive his commission as a 2nd Lieutenant in the United States Marine Corps. Based on our experience at Quantico, we stand proud as Americans and feel safe in the protection of these exceptional active duty men and women.

Today I spent some time "surfing the web" while our 2 year-old grandson was napping. Actually that was considered "work" for me as an entrepreneur as I marketed our business. There are a lot of JOB opportunities out there, but who wants a JOB? I mean, most of us have done the thing with a boss, time clocks, etc.

It was so fun to hang out with our fellow business associates in Miami this past weekend. We all have our hearts set on serving others as we all set and attain some very respectable financial goals. Unlike other careers where only a very few reach the top, with our business, the goal is for all of us to become top income earners. Believe me when I tell you that there is plenty of pie to go around. Talk to us and you will be empowered to make your own decision about how to proceed. You're only a decision away from living a life of prosperity.

To your prosperity,
Ed and Sandra Hayes

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

A New Year Of Prosperity

Welcome to a new year of and in Prosperity. It began rather quietly execept for the excitement of college football bowl games. Sadly enough, my alma mater, Clemson, lost to Auburn University. Enough of that until next season.

Then we've had the presidential election debates, caucuses, and one primary so far. It looks to be an interesting year in the political realm. The real estate business continues to be slow as evidenced by the interest in our home business.

I am more convinced than ever that our business in personal development products will grow exponentially this year. Where else can you make a multiple 6 figure income marketing a product and a business that helps anyone improve in any area of their life? Our goal is to create millionaires whose purpose is far greater than themselves and their own personal wealth.

If the idea of this kind of life of prosperity strikes a chord with you, please contact me. I would love to have a conversation with you and let you see for yourself the remarkable alternatives that are available.

To Your Prosperity,
Sandra Hayes

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

My Best Day In Prosperity

This day has begun quite typically for me - now. Not so a year ago when I had to be at work a 7:30 A.M. and got off at 6:00 P.M. I especially remember disliking the return to standard time after having an extra hour of daylight. Of course, by this time of year, it never really mattered because it was dark when I got off work regardless. Now I wake up when I wake up and start my day in a leisurely, self-paced manner. I love starting each day as my best day in Prosperity.

The word prosperity has several meanings for me. The first and most obvious meaning is my physical address. Prosperity, South Carolina, is actually a fairly small town in the center of the state. Legend says the original name of this settlement was "Frog Level." Who knows? We are blessed to have a large lake here, Lake Murray, with close to 600 miles of shoreline. I have played on and around this lake for as long as I can remember. It's a blessing to be able to share it with friends, family, and our pets. As you can imagine, our golden retriever Emma especially loves living here. She loves it even more now that I am here during the day to enjoy it with her.

Another meaning the word prosperity has for me is the state of mind I choose to have each day. Knowing that I have more than I need for my physical well-being causes me to me to be filled with gratitude. I start my day looking at all the abundance in my life and world and give thanks to God for blessing me in more ways than I can imagine. Since my life is really right now, I focus on the reality of right now. Right now is very good indeed.

Of course a lot of people consider prosperity to mean their financial well-being. I am so grateful for the financial prosperity I have been and am being blessed with. We live in the greatest country on earth. Our opportunities to achieve whatever degree of prosperity we choose are abundant. So as I embark on My Best Day in Prosperity, I do so with a heart full of gratitude and the desire to share this day and its possibilities with as many people as God puts in my path.

To Your Best Day in Prosperity,
Sandra Hayes

Our Life of Prosperity

My Favorite Books

  • The Traveler's Gift
  • The Purpose Driven Life
  • Secrets of the Millionaire Mind
  • The Science of Getting Rich
  • The Holy Bible